Displaying items by tag: howto https://www.noemiconcept.com/index.php/component/k2/tag/howto.feed 2024-05-16T17:40:09Z Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management WebBuzz du 22/12/2016: Changez les détritus plastiques en or-How to make money with Plastic rubbish 2016-12-22T05:52:34Z 2016-12-22T05:52:34Z https://www.noemiconcept.com/index.php/en/component/k2/207593-webbuzz-du-22-12-2016-changez-les-détritus-plastiques-en-or-how-to-make-money-with-plastic-rubbish.html Olivier Ruffin olivier.ruffin@noemiconcept.com <div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="https://www.noemiconcept.com/media/k2/items/cache/66566011cf0dabed1b06b02d7cf0837d_S.jpg" alt="WebBuzz du 22/12/2016: Changez les détritus plastiques en or-How to make money with Plastic rubbish" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><a name="video"></a>Le meilleur moyen d'"aider" les gens a prendre soin de notre planète ? Simple, il suffit de leur donner la possibilité de transformer les détritus en or. C'est ce que propose de faire ce <a href="https://preciousplastic.com" target="_blank" title="WebBuzz du 22/12/2016: Changez les détritus plastiques en or-How to make money with Plastic rubbish">site web</a> en vous donnant les moyens gratuitement de recycler les détritus plastiques.</p> <p>The best way to "help" people to take care of our planet? Simple, just give them the opportunity to turn the detritus into gold. This is what this <a href="https://preciousplastic.com" target="_blank" title="WebBuzz du 22/12/2016: Changez les détritus plastiques en or-How to make money with Plastic rubbish">website</a> offers by giving you free means to recycle plastic detritus.</p> </div><div class="K2FeedFullText"> <p style="text-align: center;">{flv}Changez_les_detritus_plastiques_en_or-How_to_make_money_with_Plastic_rubbish|640|360|1{/flv}</p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>webbuzz</li><li>Changez</li><li>détritus</li><li>plastiques</li><li>or</li><li>howto</li><li>make</li><li>money</li><li>with</li><li>plastic</li><li>rubbish</li><ul></div> <div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="https://www.noemiconcept.com/media/k2/items/cache/66566011cf0dabed1b06b02d7cf0837d_S.jpg" alt="WebBuzz du 22/12/2016: Changez les détritus plastiques en or-How to make money with Plastic rubbish" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><a name="video"></a>Le meilleur moyen d'"aider" les gens a prendre soin de notre planète ? Simple, il suffit de leur donner la possibilité de transformer les détritus en or. C'est ce que propose de faire ce <a href="https://preciousplastic.com" target="_blank" title="WebBuzz du 22/12/2016: Changez les détritus plastiques en or-How to make money with Plastic rubbish">site web</a> en vous donnant les moyens gratuitement de recycler les détritus plastiques.</p> <p>The best way to "help" people to take care of our planet? Simple, just give them the opportunity to turn the detritus into gold. This is what this <a href="https://preciousplastic.com" target="_blank" title="WebBuzz du 22/12/2016: Changez les détritus plastiques en or-How to make money with Plastic rubbish">website</a> offers by giving you free means to recycle plastic detritus.</p> </div><div class="K2FeedFullText"> <p style="text-align: center;">{flv}Changez_les_detritus_plastiques_en_or-How_to_make_money_with_Plastic_rubbish|640|360|1{/flv}</p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>webbuzz</li><li>Changez</li><li>détritus</li><li>plastiques</li><li>or</li><li>howto</li><li>make</li><li>money</li><li>with</li><li>plastic</li><li>rubbish</li><ul></div> WebBuzz du 29/03/2017: Comment éteindre un feu de camp en Russie-How to put out a campfire In Russia 2017-03-29T05:52:33Z 2017-03-29T05:52:33Z https://www.noemiconcept.com/index.php/en/component/k2/207731-webbuzz-du-29-03-2017-comment-éteindre-un-feu-de-camp-en-russie-how-to-put-out-a-campfire-in-russia.html Olivier Ruffin olivier.ruffin@noemiconcept.com <div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="https://www.noemiconcept.com/media/k2/items/cache/0adff9498e1dd216ace46800d1de4fa9_S.jpg" alt="WebBuzz du 29/03/2017: Comment éteindre un feu de camp en Russie-How to put out a campfire In Russia" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><a name="video"></a>Il existe plusieurs méthodes efficaces pour éteindre un feu de camps, mais en Russie, leurs méthodes sont assez démesurée. Et il vaut mieux avoir tout rangé avant le passage de l'avion.</p> <p>There are several effective methods for extinguishing a campfire, but in Russia their methods are quite disproportionate. And it is better to have everything arranged before the passage of the plane.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"></div><div class="K2FeedFullText">{flv}Comment_eteindre_un_feu_de_camp_en_Russie-How_to_put_out_a_campfire_In_Russia|640|360|1{/flv}</p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>webbuzz</li><li>comment</li><li>éteindre</li><li>feu</li><li>camp</li><li>russie</li><li>howto</li><li>put</li><li>out</li><li>campfire</li><li>russia</li><li>bombardier</li><li>eau</li><li>Avions</li><ul></div> <div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="https://www.noemiconcept.com/media/k2/items/cache/0adff9498e1dd216ace46800d1de4fa9_S.jpg" alt="WebBuzz du 29/03/2017: Comment éteindre un feu de camp en Russie-How to put out a campfire In Russia" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><a name="video"></a>Il existe plusieurs méthodes efficaces pour éteindre un feu de camps, mais en Russie, leurs méthodes sont assez démesurée. Et il vaut mieux avoir tout rangé avant le passage de l'avion.</p> <p>There are several effective methods for extinguishing a campfire, but in Russia their methods are quite disproportionate. And it is better to have everything arranged before the passage of the plane.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"></div><div class="K2FeedFullText">{flv}Comment_eteindre_un_feu_de_camp_en_Russie-How_to_put_out_a_campfire_In_Russia|640|360|1{/flv}</p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>webbuzz</li><li>comment</li><li>éteindre</li><li>feu</li><li>camp</li><li>russie</li><li>howto</li><li>put</li><li>out</li><li>campfire</li><li>russia</li><li>bombardier</li><li>eau</li><li>Avions</li><ul></div> WebBuzz du 06/10/2015: Comment couper les liens fait de rubans adhésifs-How to cut links made with duck tape 2015-10-06T06:12:21Z 2015-10-06T06:12:21Z https://www.noemiconcept.com/index.php/en/component/k2/206987-webbuzz-du-06-10-2015-comment-couper-les-liens-fait-de-rubans-adhésifs-how-to-cut-links-made-with-duck-tape.html Olivier Ruffin olivier.ruffin@noemiconcept.com <div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="https://www.noemiconcept.com/media/k2/items/cache/126affd7cf3b7c17ee34a2a8a098fe6b_S.jpg" alt="WebBuzz du 06/10/2015: Comment couper les liens fait de rubans adhésifs-How to cut links made with duck tape" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><a name="video"></a>Voici un "truc" qui pourra peut être vous être utile, même si on préfère que vous n'en aurez jamais besoin. Lors de kidnapping, les rubans adhésifs sont souvent utilisés pour faire les liens. Et voici comment vous pouvez vous en débarrasser simplement.</p> <p>Here's a "trick" that may be able to be useful, although it is preferred that you'll ever need. When kidnapping, adhesive tapes are often used to make links. And here's how you can get rid of easily.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"></div><div class="K2FeedFullText">{flv}Comment_couper_les_liens_fait_de_rubans_adhesifs-How_to_cut_links_made_with_duck_tape|640|360|1{/flv}</p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>webbuzz</li><li>comment</li><li>couper</li><li>liens</li><li>fait</li><li>rubans</li><li>adhésifs</li><li>howto</li><li>cut</li><li>links</li><li>made</li><li>with</li><li>Duck</li><li>tape</li><li>kidnapping</li><li>enlèvement</li><ul></div> <div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="https://www.noemiconcept.com/media/k2/items/cache/126affd7cf3b7c17ee34a2a8a098fe6b_S.jpg" alt="WebBuzz du 06/10/2015: Comment couper les liens fait de rubans adhésifs-How to cut links made with duck tape" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><a name="video"></a>Voici un "truc" qui pourra peut être vous être utile, même si on préfère que vous n'en aurez jamais besoin. Lors de kidnapping, les rubans adhésifs sont souvent utilisés pour faire les liens. Et voici comment vous pouvez vous en débarrasser simplement.</p> <p>Here's a "trick" that may be able to be useful, although it is preferred that you'll ever need. When kidnapping, adhesive tapes are often used to make links. And here's how you can get rid of easily.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"></div><div class="K2FeedFullText">{flv}Comment_couper_les_liens_fait_de_rubans_adhesifs-How_to_cut_links_made_with_duck_tape|640|360|1{/flv}</p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>webbuzz</li><li>comment</li><li>couper</li><li>liens</li><li>fait</li><li>rubans</li><li>adhésifs</li><li>howto</li><li>cut</li><li>links</li><li>made</li><li>with</li><li>Duck</li><li>tape</li><li>kidnapping</li><li>enlèvement</li><ul></div> WebBuzz du 21/03/2017: Comment identifier des conducteurs bornés et tétus-Howto identify stubborn drivers 2017-03-21T07:26:03Z 2017-03-21T07:26:03Z https://www.noemiconcept.com/index.php/en/component/k2/207719-webbuzz-du-21-03-2017-comment-identifier-des-conducteurs-bornés-et-tétus-howto-identify-stubborn-drivers.html Olivier Ruffin olivier.ruffin@noemiconcept.com <div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="https://www.noemiconcept.com/media/k2/items/cache/de0778cc30c06d75f636d39ac45e39a4_S.jpg" alt="WebBuzz du 21/03/2017: Comment identifier des conducteurs bornés et tétus-Howto identify stubborn drivers" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><a name="video"></a>Quand tous les automobilistes pensent être dans leur bons droits et ne veulent pas réfléchir un peu, voici une situation qui peut facilement arriver: un carrefour complètement bloqué. Résultat, personne ne peut passer.</p> <p>When all motorists think they are in their right and do not want to think a little, here is a situation that can easily happen: a crossroads completely blocked. Result, no one can pass.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"></div><div class="K2FeedFullText">{flv}Comment_identifier_des_conducteurs_bornes_et_tetus-Howto_identify_stubborn_drivers|640|237|1{/flv}</p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>webbuzz</li><li>comment</li><li>identifier</li><li>conducteurs</li><li>bornés</li><li>tétus</li><li>howto</li><li>identify</li><li>stubborn</li><li>drivers</li><li>route</li><li>Sécurité</li><li>routière</li><li>automobiles</li><ul></div> <div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="https://www.noemiconcept.com/media/k2/items/cache/de0778cc30c06d75f636d39ac45e39a4_S.jpg" alt="WebBuzz du 21/03/2017: Comment identifier des conducteurs bornés et tétus-Howto identify stubborn drivers" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><a name="video"></a>Quand tous les automobilistes pensent être dans leur bons droits et ne veulent pas réfléchir un peu, voici une situation qui peut facilement arriver: un carrefour complètement bloqué. Résultat, personne ne peut passer.</p> <p>When all motorists think they are in their right and do not want to think a little, here is a situation that can easily happen: a crossroads completely blocked. Result, no one can pass.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"></div><div class="K2FeedFullText">{flv}Comment_identifier_des_conducteurs_bornes_et_tetus-Howto_identify_stubborn_drivers|640|237|1{/flv}</p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>webbuzz</li><li>comment</li><li>identifier</li><li>conducteurs</li><li>bornés</li><li>tétus</li><li>howto</li><li>identify</li><li>stubborn</li><li>drivers</li><li>route</li><li>Sécurité</li><li>routière</li><li>automobiles</li><ul></div> WebBuzz du 08/11/2017: Créer des flammes de toutes les couleurs-How to make colourful flames 2017-11-08T06:17:28Z 2017-11-08T06:17:28Z https://www.noemiconcept.com/index.php/en/component/k2/208018-webbuzz-du-08-11-2017-créer-des-flammes-de-toutes-les-couleurs-how-to-make-colourful-flames.html Olivier Ruffin olivier.ruffin@noemiconcept.com <div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="https://www.noemiconcept.com/media/k2/items/cache/915a575e1fb86f8db5c88d909ac56101_S.jpg" alt="WebBuzz du 08/11/2017: Créer des flammes de toutes les couleurs-How to make colourful flames" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><a name="video"></a>Avec les froids qui envahissent toute l'Europe, on juste envie d'être devant un bon feux devant la cheminée. Et c'est une bonne opportunité pour donner ou rappeller quelques notions de chimie à tout le monde. Donc Voici pour vous aider, les différentes couleurs que peuvent produire (de gauche à droite) : <br />le chlorure d'indium, le chlorure de césium, le chlorure de rubidium, le méthanol, l'acide borique, le sulfate de cuivre, le chlorure de sodium, le chlorure de baryum, le chlorure de calcium, le chlorure de strontium et le chlorure de lithium.</p> <p>With the colds that invade all Europe, we just want to be in front of a good fire in front of the fireplace. And it's a good opportunity to give or remind some chemistry to everyone. So here to help you, the different colors that can produce (from left to right):<br />indium chloride, cesium chloride, rubidium chloride, methanol, boric acid, copper sulphate, sodium chloride, barium chloride, calcium chloride, strontium chloride and lithium chloride.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"></div><div class="K2FeedFullText">{flv}Creer_des_flammes_de_toutes_les_couleurs-How_to_make_different_colour_flames|640|360|1{/flv}</p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>webbuzz</li><li>créer</li><li>flammes</li><li>toutes</li><li>couleurs</li><li>howto</li><li>make</li><li>different</li><li>colour</li><li>colourful</li><li>flames</li><li>chimie</li><ul></div> <div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="https://www.noemiconcept.com/media/k2/items/cache/915a575e1fb86f8db5c88d909ac56101_S.jpg" alt="WebBuzz du 08/11/2017: Créer des flammes de toutes les couleurs-How to make colourful flames" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><a name="video"></a>Avec les froids qui envahissent toute l'Europe, on juste envie d'être devant un bon feux devant la cheminée. Et c'est une bonne opportunité pour donner ou rappeller quelques notions de chimie à tout le monde. Donc Voici pour vous aider, les différentes couleurs que peuvent produire (de gauche à droite) : <br />le chlorure d'indium, le chlorure de césium, le chlorure de rubidium, le méthanol, l'acide borique, le sulfate de cuivre, le chlorure de sodium, le chlorure de baryum, le chlorure de calcium, le chlorure de strontium et le chlorure de lithium.</p> <p>With the colds that invade all Europe, we just want to be in front of a good fire in front of the fireplace. And it's a good opportunity to give or remind some chemistry to everyone. So here to help you, the different colors that can produce (from left to right):<br />indium chloride, cesium chloride, rubidium chloride, methanol, boric acid, copper sulphate, sodium chloride, barium chloride, calcium chloride, strontium chloride and lithium chloride.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"></div><div class="K2FeedFullText">{flv}Creer_des_flammes_de_toutes_les_couleurs-How_to_make_different_colour_flames|640|360|1{/flv}</p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>webbuzz</li><li>créer</li><li>flammes</li><li>toutes</li><li>couleurs</li><li>howto</li><li>make</li><li>different</li><li>colour</li><li>colourful</li><li>flames</li><li>chimie</li><ul></div> WebBuzz du 18/04/2017: Comment arreter une longboard-How to stop on a longboard 2017-04-18T05:53:10Z 2017-04-18T05:53:10Z https://www.noemiconcept.com/index.php/en/component/k2/207757-webbuzz-du-18-04-2017-comment-arreter-une-longboard-how-to-stop-on-a-longboard.html Olivier Ruffin olivier.ruffin@noemiconcept.com <div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="https://www.noemiconcept.com/media/k2/items/cache/538b846cefa42b4316faf2955a386445_S.jpg" alt="WebBuzz du 18/04/2017: Comment arreter une longboard-How to stop on a longboard" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><a name="video"></a>On ne s'improvise pas rider. Il faut beaucoup d'heures d'entrainement avant de vraiment maitriser une longboard. Et c'est le cas pour ce rider amateur ...</p> <p>Noone can not improvise rider. It takes a lot of training before really mastering a longboard. And this is the case for this amateur rider ...</p> <p style="text-align: center;"></div><div class="K2FeedFullText">{flv}Comment_arreter_une_longboard-How_to_stop _on_a_longboard|640|360|1{/flv}</p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>webbuzz</li><li>comment</li><li>arreter</li><li>longboard</li><li>howto</li><li>stop</li><li>rider</li><li>route</li><li>Sécurité</li><li>routière</li><li>skateboard</li><li>planche</li><li>roulette</li><li>Sport</li><ul></div> <div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="https://www.noemiconcept.com/media/k2/items/cache/538b846cefa42b4316faf2955a386445_S.jpg" alt="WebBuzz du 18/04/2017: Comment arreter une longboard-How to stop on a longboard" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><a name="video"></a>On ne s'improvise pas rider. Il faut beaucoup d'heures d'entrainement avant de vraiment maitriser une longboard. Et c'est le cas pour ce rider amateur ...</p> <p>Noone can not improvise rider. It takes a lot of training before really mastering a longboard. And this is the case for this amateur rider ...</p> <p style="text-align: center;"></div><div class="K2FeedFullText">{flv}Comment_arreter_une_longboard-How_to_stop _on_a_longboard|640|360|1{/flv}</p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>webbuzz</li><li>comment</li><li>arreter</li><li>longboard</li><li>howto</li><li>stop</li><li>rider</li><li>route</li><li>Sécurité</li><li>routière</li><li>skateboard</li><li>planche</li><li>roulette</li><li>Sport</li><ul></div> WebBuzz du 14/03/2017: Comment faire un pancake au bureau en Chine-How to cook a pancake at office in China 2017-03-14T06:49:04Z 2017-03-14T06:49:04Z https://www.noemiconcept.com/index.php/en/component/k2/207709-webbuzz-du-14-03-2017-comment-faire-un-pancake-au-bureau-en-chine-how-to-cook-a-pancake-at-office-in-china.html Olivier Ruffin olivier.ruffin@noemiconcept.com <div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="https://www.noemiconcept.com/media/k2/items/cache/374394fcbbf0933bc3faf8ce4b6eb1d6_S.jpg" alt="WebBuzz du 14/03/2017: Comment faire un pancake au bureau en Chine-How to cook a pancake at office in China" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><a name="video"></a>En Chine, on peut tout faire avec un pc, même des pancakes ... C'est sans doute le pire cauchemar des techniciens informatiques ...</p> <p>In China, we can do everything with a pc, even pancakes ... This is probably the worst nightmare of computer technicians ...</p> <p style="text-align: center;"></div><div class="K2FeedFullText">{flv}Comment_faire_un_pancake_au_bureau-How_to_cook_a_pancake_at_office|640|360|1{/flv}</p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>webbuzz</li><li>comment</li><li>faire</li><li>pancake</li><li>bureau</li><li>chine</li><li>howto</li><li>cook</li><li>Office</li><li>China</li><li>PC</li><li>ordinateur</li><li>techniciens</li><li>maintenance</li><li>it</li><ul></div> <div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="https://www.noemiconcept.com/media/k2/items/cache/374394fcbbf0933bc3faf8ce4b6eb1d6_S.jpg" alt="WebBuzz du 14/03/2017: Comment faire un pancake au bureau en Chine-How to cook a pancake at office in China" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><a name="video"></a>En Chine, on peut tout faire avec un pc, même des pancakes ... C'est sans doute le pire cauchemar des techniciens informatiques ...</p> <p>In China, we can do everything with a pc, even pancakes ... This is probably the worst nightmare of computer technicians ...</p> <p style="text-align: center;"></div><div class="K2FeedFullText">{flv}Comment_faire_un_pancake_au_bureau-How_to_cook_a_pancake_at_office|640|360|1{/flv}</p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>webbuzz</li><li>comment</li><li>faire</li><li>pancake</li><li>bureau</li><li>chine</li><li>howto</li><li>cook</li><li>Office</li><li>China</li><li>PC</li><li>ordinateur</li><li>techniciens</li><li>maintenance</li><li>it</li><ul></div> WebBuzz du 27/03/2011 2011-03-28T06:19:55Z 2011-03-28T06:19:55Z https://www.noemiconcept.com/index.php/en/component/k2/190911-comment-calmer-un-bebe-how-to-calm-a-baby.html Olivier Ruffin olivier.ruffin@noemiconcept.com <div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><a name="video"></a>Comment calmer un bébé en pleine crise de larmes ? la plupart vont tenter les jouets, biberons et autres doudoux, mais ce père connait une autre méthode. Un bon vieux son heavy metal. 70% du temps, ça marche, les 30% restants, il faut du <a target="_self" href="https://twit.lu/2k">reggae</a> ... <br />How do you calm a crying baby down? Most people try lullabies and soft cooing. But dad knows the real trick. Some good loud rock, heavy metal rock. 70% of the time, it works everytime. the last 30%, a good <a target="_self" href="https://twit.lu/2k">reggae</a> should work ...</p> </div><div class="K2FeedFullText"> <p style="text-align: center;"> <object data="https://www.dailymotion.com/swf/video/xhuj57?width=640" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="359" width="640"> <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <param name="src" value="https://www.dailymotion.com/swf/video/xhuj57?width=640" /> </object> <br /><a href="https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xhuj57_comment-calmer-un-bebe-how-to-calm-a-baby_fun" target="_blank">Comment calmer un bébé - How to calm a baby</a> <em>par <a href="https://www.dailymotion.com/NoemiConcept_" target="_blank">NoemiConcept_</a></em></p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>bébé</li><li>baby</li><li>comment</li><li>calmer</li><li>how</li><li>howto</li><li>calm</li><li>heavy</li><li>metal</li><li>reggae</li><ul></div> <div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><a name="video"></a>Comment calmer un bébé en pleine crise de larmes ? la plupart vont tenter les jouets, biberons et autres doudoux, mais ce père connait une autre méthode. Un bon vieux son heavy metal. 70% du temps, ça marche, les 30% restants, il faut du <a target="_self" href="https://twit.lu/2k">reggae</a> ... <br />How do you calm a crying baby down? Most people try lullabies and soft cooing. But dad knows the real trick. Some good loud rock, heavy metal rock. 70% of the time, it works everytime. the last 30%, a good <a target="_self" href="https://twit.lu/2k">reggae</a> should work ...</p> </div><div class="K2FeedFullText"> <p style="text-align: center;"> <object data="https://www.dailymotion.com/swf/video/xhuj57?width=640" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="359" width="640"> <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <param name="src" value="https://www.dailymotion.com/swf/video/xhuj57?width=640" /> </object> <br /><a href="https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xhuj57_comment-calmer-un-bebe-how-to-calm-a-baby_fun" target="_blank">Comment calmer un bébé - How to calm a baby</a> <em>par <a href="https://www.dailymotion.com/NoemiConcept_" target="_blank">NoemiConcept_</a></em></p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>bébé</li><li>baby</li><li>comment</li><li>calmer</li><li>how</li><li>howto</li><li>calm</li><li>heavy</li><li>metal</li><li>reggae</li><ul></div> WebBuzz du 14/07/2011 2011-07-14T05:15:54Z 2011-07-14T05:15:54Z https://www.noemiconcept.com/index.php/en/component/k2/198280-comment-desactiver-un-chat-how-to-deactivate-a-cat.html Olivier Ruffin olivier.ruffin@noemiconcept.com <div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="https://www.noemiconcept.com/media/k2/items/cache/e16494eb6b93a6e21360e0a36594920d_S.jpg" alt="WebBuzz du 14/07/2011" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p>Nos amis les vétérinaires connaissent sans doute cette particularité des chats. Il est possible de les "désactiver" très simplement. C'est ce que montre cette petite démonstration. Même si cela peut paraître un peu cruel, le chat ne souffre absolument pas. C'est par la que sa mère le "transportais" alors qu'il n'était qu'un chaton ...</p> <p>All veterinarians probably know this particular part of cat. It is possible to "turn off" it easily. This is shown in this little demo ...</p> <p> </p> </div><div class="K2FeedFullText"> <p> </p> <div style="text-align: center;">{mp4flv}Comment_desactiver_un_chat-How_to_deactivatea_cat|640|360{/mp4flv}</div> <p> </p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>chat</li><li>Cat</li><li>comment</li><li>howto</li><li>desactiver</li><li>deactivate</li><ul></div> <div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="https://www.noemiconcept.com/media/k2/items/cache/e16494eb6b93a6e21360e0a36594920d_S.jpg" alt="WebBuzz du 14/07/2011" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p>Nos amis les vétérinaires connaissent sans doute cette particularité des chats. Il est possible de les "désactiver" très simplement. C'est ce que montre cette petite démonstration. Même si cela peut paraître un peu cruel, le chat ne souffre absolument pas. C'est par la que sa mère le "transportais" alors qu'il n'était qu'un chaton ...</p> <p>All veterinarians probably know this particular part of cat. It is possible to "turn off" it easily. This is shown in this little demo ...</p> <p> </p> </div><div class="K2FeedFullText"> <p> </p> <div style="text-align: center;">{mp4flv}Comment_desactiver_un_chat-How_to_deactivatea_cat|640|360{/mp4flv}</div> <p> </p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>chat</li><li>Cat</li><li>comment</li><li>howto</li><li>desactiver</li><li>deactivate</li><ul></div> Content-Focused iPad Apps Value Form Over Function: Study 2011-05-29T15:00:03Z 2011-05-29T15:00:03Z https://www.noemiconcept.com/index.php/en/component/k2/194708-content-focused-ipad-apps-value-form-over-function-study.html Administrator olivier@noemiconcept.com <div class="K2FeedIntroText"><div> <div class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img src="https://static.arstechnica.net/assets/2011/05/ipad%20moleskine%20app-thumb-640xauto-22110.jpg" alt="Content-Focused iPad Apps Value Form Over Function: Study" height="360" width="640" /> <p class="wp-caption-text">One set of instructions for the Moleskine iPad app.</p> </div> <p>A report released by the Nielsen Norman Group shows that many iPad apps are confusing users by being too subtle about the gestures needed to navigate them, and some are not sensitive enough to the accuracy limit of fingertips. The authors also found that many companies with perfectly functional websites are wasting their time making a less-functional iPad app.</p> </div> </div><div class="K2FeedFullText"> <div> <div class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img src="https://static.arstechnica.net/assets/2011/05/ipad%20moleskine%20app-thumb-640xauto-22110.jpg" alt="Content-Focused iPad Apps Value Form Over Function: Study" height="360" width="640" /> <p class="wp-caption-text">One set of instructions for the Moleskine iPad app.</p> </div> <p>A report released by the Nielsen Norman Group shows that many iPad apps are confusing users by being too subtle about the gestures needed to navigate them, and some are not sensitive enough to the accuracy limit of fingertips. The authors also found that many companies with perfectly functional websites are wasting their time making a less-functional iPad app.</p> <p>Many companies with perfectly functional websites are wasting their time making a less-functional iPad app, the authors say</p> <p>One of the overarching problems was ambiguous implementation of navigation techniques. Apps often weren’t clear about which parts of a screen were tappable and which were not, and often expected users to figure out when they needed to swipe or scroll a screen. The report noted that while users knew to swipe through book-like content, apps without that obvious similarity that required swiping and didn’t include an arrow pointing in the direction of more content were confusing to users.</p> <p>At the same time, users didn’t want to read instructions on how to use an app. Some apps, like Moleskine’s notetaking app, were abandoned because it required so many unintuitive gestures that it included two pages of instructions.</p> <p>Users avoided some apps, like Amazon’s Windowshop, because it was more difficult to navigate than the corresponding website. In the case of Amazon, users found that the app was too dissimilar from the site they were accustomed to using on actual computers, and displayed incomplete information about products from a search results page. Because of this, one participant abandoned the app in order to continue a purchase on Amazon’s website.</p> <p>The authors noted that the appeal of an iPad app increased when it was more functional than the site in way geared towards regular users of the brand. But some appmakers were trying to get too creative: ABC News’ display of stories in a spinnable globe was visually surprising to users, but ultimately was a poor use of the large screen of the iPad.</p> <p>Another problem with some apps, particularly shopping-related ones, was the lack of a back button. If users accidentally navigated away from a product they had searched for, they would have to go back to the homepage and recreate their search.</p> <p>The authors also chided a few apps, like the one created for photographer Ansel Adams, because they favored visual interest over functionality, with buttons placed too close together for the average finger to hit accurately (a square centimeter is considered the minimum allowable size for a touchable button, they said). Some apps also crowded popover menus into too-small windows, just so a pretty background picture would stay visible on half the screen.</p> <p>While apps favoring appearance and subtlety over functionality were the biggest problems, the authors scolded appmakers for a common unsubtle inclusion: splash-screens. The researchers said in no uncertain terms that splash screens that don’t integrate well with the app, and especially long introduction sequences, should always be avoided.</p> <p>Ultimately, the authors concluded that not every company needs to have an iPad app, and that far too many companies are putting out suboptimal versions of their content, seemingly just to get in on the platform. They stressed that iPad apps should not make users do more work than the actual websites, and are best received when geared toward the actions of repeat users who are already familiar with the brand. If a company can’t create an app with added value, the authors said, they’re better off just making their website more finger-friendly.</p> </div></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>Technique</li><li>iPad</li><li>howto</li><li>applications</li><li>apple</li><ul></div> <div class="K2FeedIntroText"><div> <div class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img src="https://static.arstechnica.net/assets/2011/05/ipad%20moleskine%20app-thumb-640xauto-22110.jpg" alt="Content-Focused iPad Apps Value Form Over Function: Study" height="360" width="640" /> <p class="wp-caption-text">One set of instructions for the Moleskine iPad app.</p> </div> <p>A report released by the Nielsen Norman Group shows that many iPad apps are confusing users by being too subtle about the gestures needed to navigate them, and some are not sensitive enough to the accuracy limit of fingertips. The authors also found that many companies with perfectly functional websites are wasting their time making a less-functional iPad app.</p> </div> </div><div class="K2FeedFullText"> <div> <div class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img src="https://static.arstechnica.net/assets/2011/05/ipad%20moleskine%20app-thumb-640xauto-22110.jpg" alt="Content-Focused iPad Apps Value Form Over Function: Study" height="360" width="640" /> <p class="wp-caption-text">One set of instructions for the Moleskine iPad app.</p> </div> <p>A report released by the Nielsen Norman Group shows that many iPad apps are confusing users by being too subtle about the gestures needed to navigate them, and some are not sensitive enough to the accuracy limit of fingertips. The authors also found that many companies with perfectly functional websites are wasting their time making a less-functional iPad app.</p> <p>Many companies with perfectly functional websites are wasting their time making a less-functional iPad app, the authors say</p> <p>One of the overarching problems was ambiguous implementation of navigation techniques. Apps often weren’t clear about which parts of a screen were tappable and which were not, and often expected users to figure out when they needed to swipe or scroll a screen. The report noted that while users knew to swipe through book-like content, apps without that obvious similarity that required swiping and didn’t include an arrow pointing in the direction of more content were confusing to users.</p> <p>At the same time, users didn’t want to read instructions on how to use an app. Some apps, like Moleskine’s notetaking app, were abandoned because it required so many unintuitive gestures that it included two pages of instructions.</p> <p>Users avoided some apps, like Amazon’s Windowshop, because it was more difficult to navigate than the corresponding website. In the case of Amazon, users found that the app was too dissimilar from the site they were accustomed to using on actual computers, and displayed incomplete information about products from a search results page. Because of this, one participant abandoned the app in order to continue a purchase on Amazon’s website.</p> <p>The authors noted that the appeal of an iPad app increased when it was more functional than the site in way geared towards regular users of the brand. But some appmakers were trying to get too creative: ABC News’ display of stories in a spinnable globe was visually surprising to users, but ultimately was a poor use of the large screen of the iPad.</p> <p>Another problem with some apps, particularly shopping-related ones, was the lack of a back button. If users accidentally navigated away from a product they had searched for, they would have to go back to the homepage and recreate their search.</p> <p>The authors also chided a few apps, like the one created for photographer Ansel Adams, because they favored visual interest over functionality, with buttons placed too close together for the average finger to hit accurately (a square centimeter is considered the minimum allowable size for a touchable button, they said). Some apps also crowded popover menus into too-small windows, just so a pretty background picture would stay visible on half the screen.</p> <p>While apps favoring appearance and subtlety over functionality were the biggest problems, the authors scolded appmakers for a common unsubtle inclusion: splash-screens. The researchers said in no uncertain terms that splash screens that don’t integrate well with the app, and especially long introduction sequences, should always be avoided.</p> <p>Ultimately, the authors concluded that not every company needs to have an iPad app, and that far too many companies are putting out suboptimal versions of their content, seemingly just to get in on the platform. They stressed that iPad apps should not make users do more work than the actual websites, and are best received when geared toward the actions of repeat users who are already familiar with the brand. If a company can’t create an app with added value, the authors said, they’re better off just making their website more finger-friendly.</p> </div></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>Technique</li><li>iPad</li><li>howto</li><li>applications</li><li>apple</li><ul></div>